Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What it is to be human_part 2

We look for divinity, perfection and clarity when we try to make sense of existence, don't we? Before part 2 begins, I'd like to make the above statement absolutely clear to whoever reads this.
The universe may actually not be as perfect as it seems to be, as in, the relationships we see between natural forces, the fact that natural forces can be classified, can be understood, can be manipulated, does not, in fact mean that they are what they seem to be. It may seem that everything in the universe is in order, but that may only seem that way because of how we perceive everything.

Plato had an interesting thing to say. A thought experiment, if you allow. And the rest of this paragraph is dedicated to an explanation. Human beings are limited by their senses. The way we perceive everything through our 5 senses can be related to facing the inside of a cave and seeing the shadows being cast by the light coming from the mouth of the cave. And us humans, being humans, take the shadows cast to be the true nature of the universe.

Nietzsche too has an interesting way of putting things. And I've mentioned it very recently. It's all about language. The fact that most people already KNOW what I'm talking about, but not know how to express it in words is validation of his theory. Well, parts of his theory anyway. Language, and English is not an exception, is flawed. Very flawed. As I've mentioned. The words laptop, chimera, ghost, God, hate immediately make us think of an image in out thoughts, or images and more words. This means that language gives us all a different view on life, because of how vague it gets. And all this while people have relied on that fact for forms of art, and especially written art. What slipped my mind before is opinion. I once thought opinion mattered. And am still open minded on how important opinion might be. But it seems that language has allowed people room for misinterpretation. And that may be why it's impossible to find just ONE truth.

My own theory, thanks to both Plato and Nietzsche, is that the new language should or might be a language of pure thought. Because it is truly difficult to write down what we think, sometimes. This new language will not be written, not be spoken and not be read. I'm slowly giving up any chance of me being the one to invent this new language(maybe not invent, but facilitate it's development, for thought has been around a long time).

Either way, I have no, or little love for fiction. Fiction relies on all the bad parts of language. All the room for misinterpretation. And so does written art. That is why I prefer to write with a combination of Nietzsche-an logic and Plato/Socrates style discussion. I realize the flaw in the way Nietzsche wrote. He used very artsy sort of explanation, which led to misinterpretation, which led to World War 2. Oops.

Plato/Socrates wrote without style. Republic is THE most boring book I've ever attempted to read. But quite simply, it is the most easiest to understand. Because you understand it EXACTLY the way anyone else understands it. It's the way it was written. Much like how I write nowadays I guess. But the content is sometimes rubbish. Especially when it comes to Good and Evil. Both Plato and Socrates never allow themselves to look beyond Good and Evil.

I have a great many theories on how and why we should evolve. The easiest to understand but also the least easiest to accept is the butterfly dream theory. We never really remember dreams. But sometimes in our mind of minds we see our dreams, and they last an infinite length of time, right? A long dream and a short dream can take place in both 1 REAL hour or 1 REAL second, because of how our minds work. In our dreams, sometimes we lose ourselves and don't stop to think 'This does NOT make sense". But the moment we wake up, we begin to get back to reality and slowly regain ourselves. Now imagine that this entire life has been a dream. A complex dream(but then again, maybe our dreams are just as complex, but we forget their complexity once we wake up), and we wake up to be a butterfly, who had a dream of being a human in a weird human universe. We sometimes have dreams of great wealth, or great fear, or great adventure, and though it takes awhile for us to accept it as a dream, we do. The moment we awake and find ourselves to be a butterfly, we would accept that we were just a butterfly, right? Think about this paragraph for a second. (Why butterflies? Don't ask, and forgive language errors, I'm drunk)

The next, and perhaps more acceptable theory is the God theory. Probably the easiest way to make sense of this complex world is to simply believe in God. Because the divine can poof things in and out of existence. And if this world had a divine backing(and divine here means unexplainable in human scientific terms) then, well, it would be awfully sickening, but easier. This paragraph needs no further explanation. It sickens me, and the fact that we CAN understand the once ununderstandable is enough of a reason to continue asking and continue seeking. NOT a reason for people to get lazy. (Read Atlas Shrugged for further nonsense)
And, in an off note, there ARE, without doubt, people better than me at everything I do, and people who understand everything I haven't begun trying to understand. But, if I waste my passion, then that would be a waste of good passion, would it not? Much appreciated though.

I am NOT done with this post. I've allowed more questions than answered I'm afraid.

But I'm absolutely NOT in the perfect mind. I will return, if not tomorrow, then in a few weeks time, with proper explanations. Till then.


Gabs said...
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Gabs said...

Again, deleted for irrelevance.(Sorry, I'm kinda blur today.)

So anyway, your butterfly theory does not address the problem: If evolution is all just a dream, then why did it dream of evolution?Why not dream of cornflakes, or stardust, or hyperintelligent shades of the colour blue?

Why does it dream in the first place anyway?

If we're all part of the dream, how is it that we can "awaken" and question this non-reality? Unless it's a dam powerful dream wei. But let's say it really is dam powerful. Then why would the butterfly need us to have this question of whether we're real, if we aren't anyway? Unless it's a dam poweful butterfly who wants to see how we react, or interact with similar "non-entities" to find the purpose of all this, which ultimately leads to the butterfly being God.

Oh, crud.