Friday, December 26, 2008


Nietzsche and me share so many ideas, but on certain important ideas, we go our separate ways. That makes only one of us right, or both of us utterly wrong.

Nietzsche believes that there isn't such a thing as sincerity. And for a time, he got me believing that too. Until I broke loose of that sick idea and found a different way to see things.

Nietzsche claimed that every living thing has a will to power. Like a domination over another being.It is in everything. The man who wants to be pitied is only showing his will to power by bringing down everyone else to his level.

Thing about it, every time you thought you failed, your first reaction is to look for someone who failed WORSE. To Nietzsche, this meant that there wasn't a sincere action. In donating money, the rich man shoes that he has the power to give money and is superior to the man who is begging. The beggar replies 'Thank you' not sincerely. By saying 'Thank you' he has switched roles with the rich man. Here, the poor man is giving and the rich man is receiving.

Now you see why that idea scared me. It fits in with Natural Selection and Darwinism and every other logical idea.

But then I got thinking.

And I realized there might be a way around this.

What if man was aware(subconsciously) of the absence of empathy in most of nature, and so was struggling to become less of an animal, and establish itself OUTSIDE the boundaries of nature. To have mankind placed in a different category than other animals.

Think about it. It is natural for us to shun immoral acts. But immoral acts tend to be the natural thing to do right? Every time you act out of impulse, it reflects something an animal would do, like fight, or challenge another. But conversely, when you behave your self and act more 'human', you are acting unlike any other natural creature, am I right?

And this 'human' way of acting; morals, decency, discipline and everything you'd normally NOT see in any other animals list of things to do, is always encouraged, and looked highly upon.

Our arts, our sciences, our modern cultures, our ethics, our morals, all go against the natural way of the animal. Like it or not, sincerity is a lie, whichever way you look at it.

Unless of coarse you still cling to traditional values.

In which case.

I pity you.

And that soul you think you have.

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