Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Human (back to usual rantings)

Natural selection is a cruel process. Survival of the fittest. As peaceful as nature may seem on the outside, in reality, everything either dies or lives to die another day. Well everything living that is. Natural selection isn't a choice, or a way to look at things, it just IS. God wouldn't seem as kind if you just took the time to think of how he shaped thoughtless creatures to devour each other to protect its own interest would He? No!

Just dig deep into some parts of the world and you'll discover not one or two, but thousands upon thousands of species that were eliminated through natural selection.Now, let's look at natural selection for a moment. It isn't a process were nature consciously makes decisions like, 'Okay, I like the snake more than this sorta old lizard, so i'll kill the old lizard off'. No, we use the term natural selection only because before man came about, we had no influence on how any animal or plant would live. So, this process of selection happens naturally.

The 'selection' isn't the sort of selection that goes on when you shop, for instance. Every organism needs to do one thing; survive. And because of that, organisms have to keep changing, keep taking in and throwing out certain things.

Anyway, all this natural selection is beyond me. I cannot truly understand it until I have studied it. In any case, we have evolved to have the ability to think and reason, just as a bird has the ability to fly, and the horse has the ability to sprint.

And with this ability to reason, whether subconsciously or not, every action, every piece of art created, every music piece written, every book written, every mathematical equation equated has been to escape natures way of doing things. Had we had stuck to natures plan, things like ethnic genocide and eugenics would be carried out by the best of us. Instead, the best of humans, or at least the kind of people who are made models of what a man should be, carry out acts of kindness.

The system we live with, where the man who donates money to the poor instead of leaving the poor to die, works completely and utterly against natures way of natural selection.

I think mankind is subconsciously aware that nature is cruel and our mission is to escape natures way of selection.

Or perhaps, consider this interesting theory;
nature itself realized the need for natural selection to end. (A God perhaps, realized this) And so man was created, and man himself was tasked with shaping the earth in his image(which is an image which, unlike anything else on earth can see beauty, is kind to the weak, and has the sort of values no other animal can ever have). And isn't that what we have been doing all this while? Shaping the world? Killing nature. Weird. I know. It's the kind of theory that sounds better in my head than on my blog.

forgive the messiness in this post. I wrote the last paragraph first and the first last.

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