Monday, September 7, 2009

I wonder if Christ said BRB before he died

I've been trying all month to post something non-God related, but it's been really hard. My last attempt left me hanging with two paragraphs(which I still think have a point) of the theory of the illusion of choosing and deserving. I'll publish that when I'm not too busy.

Today, I stumbled upon something new while surfing the godless internet:

“If God (however you want to believe in God, I don’t care what it is, you make the definition of what that word means), if God told you (and you make any sort of way that is, whether that’s in revelation or however way you know or by scripture), if whatever your God is communicated to you that you were to kill your child, would you do it?

And if your answer is “No,” then in my mind you’re an atheist.

If the answer is “Yes,” you’re dangerous and I stay away from you."

Even though there are so many flaws when it comes to the meaning of words in that quote, the fundamental idea makes a little sense. People rely on God for so many reasons. Reasons and excuses are made-up half the time. For example, someone may ask me, "why did you become an atheist?"

I could answer:
"A near fatal car crash turned my world upside down, literally, the car somersaulted and was upside down at one point."


"I was intrigued by the possibilities of the random and apparent mindless nature of particles"


"One day I looked up at the sky(it was a Friday, I remember) and realized it CAN'T be that simple"

I could probably come up with another reason if I thought long and hard, but just off the top off my head, those three reasons seem to make the most sense. Yet none of them are a true answer to the question. I may believe that one or all three of those answers are true because they make sense. The same way a person who believes in God or doesn't believe in God may try to explain why he or she does or doesn't believe in God. They'd probably give very logical answers.

The same goes, I think for anything to do with criticizing art. There may be a dozen reviews that praise a movie or an album, but only a handful can capture the true spirit of it.

Where was I going with this...

Oh yeah, a person who 'believes in God' actively believes that God is the creator of all things...(that's how all Godefinitions start off, but they trail off soon after) must believe that God knows everything and whatever God does,(He usually puts the task to some 'chosen' one, to avoid full responsibility I presume) He's doing it for the greater good.

So if you don't kill your baby when God tells you to, you don't believe in God, making you apathetic, atheistic, or agnostic because in your fear, you've drop all emotional comfortableness in the belief in God and embraced logic. Logic is not contagious, but emotion is.

Haha, got you now you God-loving son's(and daughters) o' guns! Well Gabs, discussion time, this post was written completely alcohol free, so there's bound to be a lot more holes than usual.

1 comment:

The Iconoclast. said...

Just to let you know, I think this is officially the most intelligent sounding blog on cyberspace.

You challenged Gabs; but seeing how he seems to be preoccupied with stuff other than answering a (non)drunkard philosopher, I'll have a shot at this :

You question, if God tells you to kill your baby; you don't - and this is when you drop all emotional dependence on subjectivity (God) and embrace logic; which God would give you a baby and tell you to do all these good things and then tell you to kill a baby?

My question is precisely the same one you're asking : Which God exactly are you talking about?

So unless you've had first hand experience with God or someone else who has been forced to kill a baby because God told him or her to (which even then is still doubtful because as you say; objectivity lies within our reach, which means it lies within the perception of our senses, and since you didn't actually hear God then it cannot be real) - then you're just like the believers.

You've made up something completely beyond the physical world as a counter-argument to those who ALSO do the whole metaphysical, God stuff; which means you have failed to turn the argument into a
Physical World vs Metaphysical World debate. The whole argument is floating somewhere out there - in this realm that is nowhere within perception. Which makes it a flawed atheist argument.

I think I should go on; but I'm getting lazy. I need to think about other stuff now. bye!