Sunday, August 2, 2009

What matters(everything except energy!)

Allow me to first point out one of Immanuel Kant's mistakes.

Kant makes the same mistake everyone before and after him made. His assumption of moral values being universal. Morals and virtues and ethics should always be regarded as very subjective matters when explaining them objectively. That is, if life began not at the instant of the creation of the universe, but much later on, then anything that mattered once life began to form cannot be relevant to the laws of the universe.

Now, the next and more important problem of Kant's metaphysical world. Nietzsche, my most favored dead thinker, is always best at helping me explain things in the physical, touchable world. But I think I'll go ahead and try to describe something more original(which probably sounds like something I've said before.):

If we can establish a rule, let's say, the rule of the physical world being the ONLY world that has any influence on a person(in whichever way), then would anything metaphysical matter? A reminder, metaphysical actually translates to beyond/after physical. Which means it cannot be matter or energy, meaning it cannot have any influence on the physical world. From what I can tell(which is a pure guessing game in my mind), Kant focuses on God being beyond explanation because we can only objectively explain that which is physical, or present in the physical world. But think about metaphysics for a second, and objective explanations. If a human being cannot be objective in explaining something, meaning something is beyond explanation, then that something MUST be beyond influence. And the moment something is beyond influence(that is, something beyond being influence by OR influencing) of the physical world (that is, the physical world which can always be objectively explained), then it is useless.

How useless?

It is like explaining light to a man who has been blind his whole life, and trying to let him know the importance of light. Therefore,(imagine the entire human race here is that blind man) even IF light does exist, and has an effect as important as described, light cannot matter to the blind man if he cannot be influenced or influence light.

In that same way, if God cannot be explained, it cannot matter.

However, like I've said before, some people like to bend the laws of physics to meet their explanations. To them the 'big bang' was just God flicking the on switch. Which cannot be possible, BUT, because this explanation works for them, God MUST matter.

Now, an atheist is, by definition, a person who does not believe in the existence of God. And since, to most atheists(me, specifically), the physical realm is the only possible realm that can exist(which can be proven by objective study, not subjective imagination), God cannot exist. Since existence in the physical realm requires God to be composed of matter and energy, God is bound by the rules of physics and therefore miracles cannot happen.

2 other explanations of God just came up this week.

1) the reintroduction of intelligent design.
2) the universe being a sort of 'matrix' for the mind.

Intelligent design is very flawed. One of the main ideas behind it is : If something can be THIS complex, then surely it must have a creator. But that would mean the creator would be the most complex thing ever. What created the creator if something complex NEEDED to be created?

The matrix illusion, where the universe is sort of a playing field for us humans is very hard to get around, but basically it's just like metaphysics. Saying that there has to be something beyond the physical world doesn't make it true until it can be proven. I'm not waiting. Objective study has shown no such outer world exists. Don't believe Deepak Chopra.

I know, I probably have half my facts wrong. But this is good progress.

1 comment:

Gabs said...

The next step would be to show where the need for god stems from. I'm waiting