Saturday, February 7, 2009

thank you

I'm recovering from a lot now, so forgive to shortness and uncoolness of this post.

We've already established that 'thank you' and 'you're welcome' are ways of showing superiority, and the reasons behind them are never sincere. Though anyone can mean a 'thank you' and anyone can fake a 'thank you', it is almost always a way of getting even.

If you receive a gift that you really don't like or already have, and have no intention of using, you'd still be inclined to saying 'thank you'.

When you get something you truly want, 'thank you' is said but is thought to be meant sincerely.
This is of coarse a lie.

For, if YOU give a really good gift to someone, the least you want in return is a thank you. It is sort of a way of getting a person to show you they owe you something, but take this 'thank you' until I can repay in full.

Now, what I'm trying to show here is not that 'thank you' isn't right. I'm trying to show that there really isn't much divinity or sincerity in a 'thank you'. That shouldn't make you not want to say 'thank you', now at least we all know why and what use a 'thank you' has. It is an 'I owe you' card.

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