Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Are we important? My little social experiment

Now this is an issue to address.
There's two general ways to look at it.

If we were created, we should be significant. Otherwise, our lives would be meaningless and unimportant.


If we are Godless, then we were NOT created, and therefore have no important role in the universe.

Perhaps, out of necessity, we invented, or searched for self importance by inventing Gods. Pardon the un-holiness in this question :

Did we create God, to make it seem like He created us?

We all think there should be a beginning of time, and an end of time.
But when I went about telling people the world is going to end in 2012 as part of my social experiment, everyone thought I was crazy. When I questioned further, most said there was DEFINITELY and an end to all things, but it just isn't gonna be anytime soon.

That's just natural. The ONE thing that all living things share is the need to survive. In nature, there are no martyrs. In movies, in stories, sometimes even from misplaced feelings of self righteousness, there are martyrs. But not in nature. If it wasn't for civilization, martyrs would be non existant.

Back to the main topic.

Humans need to feel significant. Our minds are too complex. We keep trying to understand, to complicate, to bring significance to everything. So when we asked ourselves who we were, we got scared. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? No one knows. I don't know. I wasn't there.

So we wrote books, made stories, dictated laws. Some called these 'holy scriptures' and made them above every other law.
The true essence of these are good. You see, people may or may not have souls. But we undeniably have conscientiousness. Whether the conscientiousness of man came from evolution of the mind, or from the soul is unclear. But, in any case, the conscience is like a canvas that cannot be tainted. No matter what the person encounters or does, the conscience will not be changed. It will always know what the right thing to do is. The pure thing to do.

So, these religious texts were written based on the pure conscience laws. To help people remember a good from a bad decision. I have no love for things like these. Because humans also misinterpret(like me) things. So I'll just sit back.

In any case, we also needed to know why, of all things in nature, WE were chosen to bear the gift(or curse) of knowledge. Why we were the only things that knew how to differentiate 'good' from 'bad'. And so, we just MAY have had invented God, to help ourselves feel important. Which I feel is very selfish. I'd rather be unimportant and honest than important and selfish.

1 comment:

Gabs said...

Ah, but the crux of the matter is: Where do the conscientious laws originate from?