Not the comics, or the headlines(if there is a difference between the two nowadays).
Its the criticism on the government.
The local paper that I read has, like most of the local papers, a daily opinion section dedicated to the public.
I read it as often as I can.
They say how racist our government is.
They say how corrupted our government is.
They say how they would have done a better job running this country.
On and on.
Its really amusing.
I'm not an "anti - anti - government" sort of person,
and opinions are opinions, but what did they expect.
Its the same all over the world really.
If you have a society, you'll need a government.
The ideal government would be:
Non racist, fair to all people, open to suggestions, fair on taxation, uncorrupted, financially stable.
Would you expect ANY form of rule (democracy, liberalism, communism, socialism, dictatorship, monarchy, etc.) to bring the perfect balance? Or even be the perfect government?
Is there a country in the world with the perfect government?
Is there a country in the world with all its people satisfied with what the government is doing?
They're many people in the world suffering because of their government.
The people of Myanmar can't get foreign aid, but thats another story.
African political parties cause conflicts to gain the upper hand.
Malaysians racism and too much housing development projects.
(which is least of our worries)
Americans dissatisfied with the Bush administration.
The German upper class not being happy that their tax money is used to help jobless citizens.
The list goes on...
Actually, I think it's understandable that we're getting unfair treatment here in Malaysia, whether your poor, different colored, or even under appreciated, you can somehow blame it on the government, right? Just go on and say how unsatisfied with how things are run.
But like I said, what did you expect?
That those "powerful" words of would sway the titan corporation called the government?
I've done some digging,
And the most simple thing popped up.
Powerless people, like the Tienanmen Man, can have heavy influence on the image of the government and eventually lead to change, much like how Martin Luther changed many things.

Just look at that picture. It's the most moving picture I've ever seen in my life.
There's many more, like monks setting themselves on fire, and stuff like that.
But to stand in front of colossal Russian made Chinese Tanks.
To deny 4 tanks passage, knowing the world is watching you, and to remain unnamed.
Communism is just as retarded as democracy, liberalism, republicanism, tyranny, and all the other -isms and -nys that this world is run by.
"The world will not accept dictatorship or domination."
-Mikhail Gorbachev
That whole Tienanmen Man fiasco turned out to be very moving,Communism, which was going a bit too far, is slowly withdrawing its grasp on the Chinese's necks
(They've moved on to beat up poor Tibet and threaten Taiwan now.....)
It's not a more stupid concept than any other form of politics.
They all have their drawbacks,
But if you truly want it,
what that man did is as close as you can get to the best way to change things.
Don't think about how you want things run,
Think of how things should be run.
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