Monday, July 26, 2010

A Purpose in Function

A meaning to life, who really needs one?

I don't think I've ever heard of a baby who has been thought that life must have a meaning. We're simply poured into the mold that implies life must have one, and we accept it. Life's meaning. No man knows it, so no man is good enough to dictate it. So, perhaps God must exist.

But if you think about it, the meaning was never there. A flower never questions its existence, because it doesn't have the capacity to, nor the want. Neither does a goat, nor a dog, nor a cactus. It simply lives out its purpose (most probably to exist, produce offspring, then return to non-existence).

Except for the want and the capacity to, (Well, maybe not so much the want) we are very much tied to this birth, reproduction, death cycle. We may not want to know it, nor do we want anything to do with it, but we are tied to it in a way that makes us feel like we are more than it.

I have a theory that evolution ensures we're always trying to improve, trying to advance the race to a more sustainable state of existence. Even if it means plotting a revolution that may involve the murder of fellow human beings.

But that all sounds a little rash. Let's analyze.

A plot to overthrow an unfair state always comes across as a little rash, but looking at it from an evolutionary point of view, it may make sense.

An unfair state represents the alpha male tendency that is the failure of the animal species. It must be eradicated by means of revolt by the powerful many in order to maintain survival and expansion of the species.

From a larger scope the world makes more sense. We look at the West as a distant oppressor(especially Malaysians who are indirectly suppressed by the Western idea that the Asian is inferior(supported also indirectly by Anglo-American empire), but upon further inspection, what the west is doing is almost right for our species. They are the unjust ones, but they are also the ones who are forcing us out of our shells. We need the best of humanity to survive, not the laid back. They need us to compete and strive to be the best that we can be. And the poor Asian politicians think it's a game of suck-up. It isn't. It's probably bigger than we can imagine.

It may even mean that the survival of the species relies on the brightest minds this world has to offer, Asian or not.

1 comment:

Gabs said...

ahh. stupid spam. looks impressive but when you to comment...sigh. Well, what else is there to say?

Everything happened because it had to happen.